Our platform of choice to manage a social media presence is Facebook. Facebook is an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California. With 2.5 billion monthly users, 69% of which are U.S adults, Facebook is a ripe market just waiting for your business to shine. With little effort, you can increase your visibility through likes, engagement, and reach. With even a small budget, you can harness the power of geotargeted advertisements.
Next on the list comes our suggested platform for artists or creators, Instagram. Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Inc. Of notable interest is this platform’s use of ephemeral media. Instagram Stories are only visible for 24 hours; creative implementation of an ephemeral marketing strategy could score you major points among the right audiences.
Rounding out the executive side of things, LinkedIn is a great platform for businesses to increase their visibility among professionals and job seekers. LinkedIn is an American business and employment-oriented service that operates via websites and mobile apps. Different platforms call for different approaches, and we’ve got you covered on how to engage with this specific demographic.
Wrapping up the major platforms, you’d be missing out without addressing Twitter, a microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Commonly used as a personal platform, some businesses have found great success in connecting directly to their audience via the interactive process of tweets, retweets, and hashtags.
Other platforms may be amazing tools for your business goals. YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest all have a niche use case. As always, we can help you determine if these platform is the right fit for your brand!