Titusville, FL

Author: lilahsdad

Digital Business Solutions | Hatching Dreams Into Reality

Server bot activity

Project In Development: Machine Learning Scanner-Bot Detection

Cybersecurity is a rising and never-ending concern for any information technology professional across the industry. There is one threat that is of particular concern for server operators, specifically web server operators. That is the threat of scanner-bots. These bots scan web servers for common web-based apps with known security exploits. If an exploit is found…
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Employees will find a work around if your software is not optimized.

Are Your Employees Hackers?

Hollywood would have you believe that to be a hacker you have to be or at least have some experience with software programming. This is simply not true. Any person who uses a piece of software in a way that was not intended could be considered a hacker. The question then is why would someone…
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